Friday, November 7, 2014

Colorado Elementary School Has Controversial Bullying Solution

Colorado Elementary School Has Controversial Bullying Solution (Commenting on a Blog)

 It seems that bullying is on the rise, especially because of the increase of cyberbullying incidents.

One elementary school in Colorado, James Madison Charter Academy, has a creative way to put kids in the shoes of those kids who are bullied, but not everyone is happy about it.

Some students in grades 4-6 have been randomly selected to wear a sticker on their collar, which means other students are told to ignore them.  The school says this will help kids understand what it's like to be bullied and ignored.  One parent says that this has made her child feel even worse at school, because he has been bullied in the past.

Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

Read the article below:

Your assignment:

Give your opinion and why you feel the way you do.  Write at least 7 or more sentences:


I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a good idea.   Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a good idea because...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea.   Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because...

THEN: Explain the reasons that support your opinion.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have a solid argument. Use FACTS as much as possible to support your opinion.


For example: If my name is Rebecca Ekstrom and I have LEAD I2, I would put this for my name: RebeccaEI2


Image taken from MS Word clip art.


TylarMI1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares idea could stop bullying because it is a creative punishment that shows bully’s how it feels to be humiliated and depending how long the kid has to do this. I don’t think any kid would want to wear a sigh saying I am a bully if you hate bully’s honk. So I do think this a good way to treat bully’s in the long run I guess all that matters is the type of kid were dealing with because not all kids will be affected by this but a lot of them will be

KyleRI1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because this will not show kids the effects of bullying. It would also be bad if a kid who already gets bullied has to do this. It might be a little different if a bully had to wear one of the stickers, but that is not the case. Therefore, this is not a good idea. Also, a kid getting bullied goes through an unnecessary punishment. This is a very bad idea.

RyanHI1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a good idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a good idea because they won’t want to bully others. It will make them afraid that if they bully someone, they will get a circle. Nobody wants that. So it will prevent bullying. That’s why no one would bully anymore. That’s all!

Molly C I said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because what is this teaching children? To ignore each other? Honestly, the child with the sticker will propyl be bullied once the sticker is removed. Also, I think that that was a bad idea because the sticker gives the student a bad reputation. For example, what if the student who is wearing the sticker is in a class and the teacher starts giving the student “special attention” because they are a bully. For sure this a bad idea and I hope the “sticker” policy will stop.

tylar m i said...

I think James Madison charters academy’s unusual idea to stop bullies is a bad idea. Kids might not have anything to do with bullying and then forced to wear a sticker which isolates them from all the kids at school. School takes up most of the day imagine having to go through a day were you were ignored for more than half of it. This also lowers kids self-steam as well. Bullies usually are kind of isolated so this will do very little to them. But it will do a lot to kids how usually hang out with their friends at school. Those are the reasons I think this is a bad idea the punishment isn’t right and it should be changed.

Damon M I1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because... Kids that are already getting bullied have to deal with more of the pain. Then kids that aren’t bullies and kids that might be sensitive to that sort of thing will have to deal with it too. They won’t stop bullying with this, they partly are bullying by doing this. The little boy in that school is getting bullied already and still has to deal with the tags and I think it is wrong that it is kids in fourth through sixth grade dealing with this, what I would do is watch the kids and see who is bullying and then make them wear the nametags.

CarterMI1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because some kids are already bullied. If the kids that are already bullied get a sticker they will feel even more left out. I would not want to where the sticker. It would make me sad. I bet the kids in the article were sad. I bet the people that had to ignore the others were sad too, I would have been sad if I was one of them.

TylerBI1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because if a kid is already being bullied they have to experience it again. Just like the little boy that we saw in the news video. I don’t think this idea is going to work. It may make bullies want to bully even more. If they did that in my school I would stay home. Ignoring someone in general is rude but ignoring them on purpose! I think this is a bad idea.

MattM i1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because it may make the victims feel bad. One of the parents of the kids who had to wear the sticker said “There are other things they can do” and their child was already bullied. Another reason it is a bad idea is because the kids with stickers are ignored. They may not have known that the sticker meant for kids to ignore them. It also could make them feel sad to be ignored. I would be very sad if I was ignored while having to wear the sticker. It would also embarrass me. There are many other ways to approach bullying and this is a bad idea.

hannahei1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because it keeps kids that are already bullied insulted by kids not talking to them. I think that the mother is right when she says “They’ve got a good heart behind it, it’s just being approached in a very misguided way,” because they should have took the kids a side that are being bullied and helped them in a different way. I think that the school should think of another way to handle bullying because putting a sticker on kids shoulders is a bad way to handle bullying. When people are bullied they can be sensitive to things and doing a process like things is a bad way to help.

jessiegI1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because it keeps kids that are already bullied insulated from other kids. Kids want to have a good experience in school, not a bad and unfair one. I understand what they are trying to do, I don’t think kids will enjoy being ignored. The ones that are not bullying should have been dealt with differently in my opinion. To some kids bullying is a sensitive subject and may hurt them in the long run. Maybe the ones that were bullying should have gotten some sort of treatment like this to stop bullying.

BaileyBi1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because it can make the kids feel bad even if this is the point of doing it. It makes the kids feel like they are being bullied for reel. Also it makes them sad that they can’t play or even talk to any of the other kids. They also might feel like people are really avoiding the kid not just because they are told not to but for reel. It is also a bad thing because some of the kids already get bullied so they have to feel the pain of being bullied twice every day they have to wear the sticker. Even if the kids are nicer at the end of the week it doesn’t matter because the only reason they are being nicer is because they are scared of having to wear the sticker again. The kids also need to learn about bullying by talking about it in class not just wearing a sticker to prove that bullying is wrong.

MatthewGj1 said...

In my opinion, what the kids and principle are doing at this school is not a good idea. First of all, I do not see how this will help kids see how bullying is wrong. I think the principle should come up with something that will help better. Also, as you can see in Mark, if kids are already getting bullied, they should not have to where these stickers, and should get the opposite, get kids to be friends with and talk too. They also started on the first day of school, which people, especially in new schools, want to meet new kids, at least on the first day. Unless, the elementary school goes until sixth grade. As you can tell, this concept is not a good idea, and will not help!

Scott F J1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because it could just encourage bullies. If kids are forced to wear the sticker, then they could start being angry or unhappy. That might make kids even more inclined to bully. Also, if kids are already bullied, that just makes life twice as hard for them. I think the thought is good, but the method of carrying it out needs some improvement. If the school sent out a letter or permission slip before the school year started, then there would be more chance for parents to approve it. I think it would be better if they did it that way.

EmmaB J1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because some people don’t want to be ignored for a whole day. Some kids have been bullied and are being bullied and it will just make it worse. It will make it worse because it will make them sad. Another way it’s a bad idea is what if you have a question or missed a class so you had to ask a friend what you did and they couldn’t look or talk to you that day? You couldn’t get the answer or know what you did. Also it said they started on the first day without even asking for permission. It’s hard to start first day and getting a sticker that is telling everybody ignore me makes it worse. I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea.

marissacj1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because if the kid has already been bullied it may affect them more. Also the school should have not done this on the first day of school because you want to make friends on the first day. The school should have sent home and letter or a notification that they were doing this with the kids. They should have asked the kids if they have been bullies before. If they have been bullied they should not have given those students a sticker. Even though it might send a good message to some people others might not.

JuliaG J1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because according to the video it sounds like they gave them the sticker on the first day of school. How would the teachers be able to even know who is being bullied. Also, some kids don’t want to be ignored for a whole day. I think this will make bullying even worse than it already is. I think this because since people might not want to be ignored then it will make them sad or maybe even a little mad. I think James Madison Charter Academy’s unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea.

emilyhj1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because people that are already being bullied already know what it feels like to be bullied. They shouldn’t have the extra pressure on them from what’s already is happening every day. Kids that have to wear the sticker feel bad for them self and the rest of the people that have to wear them to because it isn’t right to have this happening. People that have to wear this can’t enjoy their day because their being ignored and don’t have friends to play with because they have to ignore them. This idea makes parents mad because they want their kid to have a good day and not get ignored. The kid might feel like the only person to talk to is the teacher but the teachers might not be able to talk to them about this problem.

ElizabethE J1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because kids could be sensitive to this. They might already be bullied in general, so it would make their daily lives even harder than usual. Also, kids who aren’t even involved with buying would have to do this and be ignored all day by everyone. The kid’s parents are not happy with this either. The principle should have at least asked the parents if they were okay with this. Even though this idea was meant for good, I think it was a bad idea.

CadenJ J1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because they were doing it on the first day of school. I also think it was a bad idea because some kids could have been bullied before getting the sticker and felt worse about themselves. I think a better way to handle it is by giving parents a note about what they were doing to see if the parents were ok with it. They could have also given the sticker to kids that have bullied other kids before and not give the sticker to the kids that have been bullied. It’s also a bad idea because if a bully saw the kid they were bullying with the sticker they might feel more powerful. I don’t think the sticker idea is a good idea.

lillianbj1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because if a student is already bullied it make them feel like they are being bullied again. Also I don’t think it is the best way to approach to teach kids not to bully the school should find a different way to teach them how bad it makes someone feel. I think the school is right they should be teaching kids not to bully but there are better ways to do so. The school could have an assembly on bulling or something like that. I think there way was creative but not necessary. That is what I think about the schools approach.

KatieAj1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because it says that they started this new idea on the first day of school. The first day of school is usually really hard to adjust, so adding in these stickers probably just made it worse for the kids. Some kids are already being bullied and if they got a sticker it can make things worse. I think the school could have at least e-mailed or sent a note that they were going to be doing this and give the parents a chose if they want their kid being excluded. Kids need to socialize, have fun, and be with friends. When they gave these sticker out they might be showing them what it’s like to be excluded, but what they really did was make kids have a terrible day; if it was them or their friend.

NoahB. said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because it was not good for kids who had been bullied before. That would make them feel bad. Also on the first day of school that’s really going to give kids trouble not being able to ask for help. If the school did that they should have done it in the middle of the year. Also they should have made Shure that they did it to kids who had not been bullied. If they did that it might not have made an even worse impact on bullied kids.

Geoff D said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea and a good idea. This is a bad idea because some kids don’t bully. So these kids are just randomly picked and aren’t allowed to talk or socialize to anyone even if they are not bullies. Even the kids that are already ignored just feel worse about themselves. This is a good idea because it is showing the bullies how it feels to be ignored and treated unfairly. So this is just like karma. Mistreat someone, you get mistreated back.

Megan Bell I1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because some bullies may not even be fazed by what they know they are doing to people. This method could also be hurtful to people who are sensitive or have already experienced bullying. Also, this could be classified as bullying because it is exclusion and that is social bullying which is illegal. This may not teach people anything if they aren’t very social anyway and they could still bully others. There are many other ways to teach about bullying like assemblies, guest speakers, and games to make learning about bullying interesting. I think that there are other ways to teach about bullying and more efficient ways too.

HaleyJ said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is a bad idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is a bad idea because you never know if the kid you picked was bullied before and that’s why there bullying. Like it said in the text one of the kids they picked said this idea made him feel worse because in the past he was bullied. Another reason this isn’t a good idea is having kids ignore someone is mean. It doesn’t help stop bullying to have someone bully the bully. You also don’t know if the person you are doing this to has something wrong at home. So, you could just make them fell so much worse than they already do

fionaci1 said...

I think James Madison Charter Academy's unusual approach to bullying is an interesting idea. Selecting students to be ignored so they can experience bullying is an interesting idea because the kids who are being ignored will get to know how it feels to be bullied. I think the idea is original, but it may also need a little more thought. For instance, if, instead of making everybody in turn wear the sticker, the academy should have only kids who haven’t been bullied wear the stickers. This way the school would prevent bullying from those kids. For the other kids who have been bullied before, you just keep a close eye on them to make sure they don’t start bullying.