Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What is Bullying and Cyberbullying? (Using MS Word)

What is Bullying?

Note: Typos added for MS Word processing/proofreading purposes.

Bullieing includess behaviors that foccus on making someone else feel inadequate, or focus on belittling someone else.Bullying includes harasment, physicall harm, repeatedly demeaning speech + efforts to ostracise another person.  Bullying is acctive, and is done wiff thee intention oof bringing another people down.Its important to realise that there are diferent kinds of bullying:

  • Physical Bullying: This is the most obviouss from of bullying.  In this type of bullying, the instigater attempts to physically dominate another teen.  This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possyble coerce him or her to do something.
  • Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullys another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another's selfimage.Bullies who use verbal techniques excessively teasse others, say belittling things + use a great deal of sarcasm witf the intent hurt the other person's feelings or humiliate the other teen inn front of others.
  • Emotional: This is eveen more subtle than verball bullying. Teenage bullying that includes emotional methods aims at getting someone else too feeel isolated, alone + may even prompt depressionThis type of bullying is dessigned to get others to ostracize the person being bullied.
  • Cyber Bullying: Electronic bullying is becooming a veryy real problem for teens.  This type of bullyng uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks too humiliate and embarrass others.This can be especieally devastating to the people being bullied, sinse they canot even finde a safe place in the virtual wordle.

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is bullying that tak place using electronic technology.         Electronic technology ncludes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tols inclooding social meedia sytes, textt messages, chatt, and web       sites.

Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

Why Cyberbullying is Different

Kids who are being cyberbullied are often bullied in person as well. Additionally, kids who are cyberbullied have a harder time getting away from the behavior.
  • Cyberbullying kan happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach a kid even when he or she is alone. It can happen any time of the day or night of the day or night.
  • Cyberbullying messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source.
  • Delleeting inappropriate or harassing messages, texts, and pictures is extremely difficult after they hav been posted or cent.

Effects of Cyberbullying

Cell phones and computers themselves are not to blame for cyberbullying. Social media sites can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids with friends and family, helping students with school, and for entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other people. Whether done in person or through technology, the effects of bullying are similar.
Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to:
  • Use alcohol and drugs
  • Skip school
  • Experience in-person bullying
  • Be unwilling to attend school
  • Receive poor grades
  • Have lower self-esteem
  • Have more health problems

Information from: and
(typos added for MS Word processing purposes)

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