Friday, March 20, 2015

"Honk if You Hate Bullying" Trimester 3

"Honk if You Hate Bullying"

When Jose Lagares found out his 4th grader was bullying other kids, he punished his son.  He grounded him and even made him do hard labor, but nothing seemed to work.  Then Mr. Lagares came up with a creative idea.  He made his son stand on a street corner with a large sign that said: "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies."  Mr. Lagares said "It was just the final straw, and it seemed to work."

When other people found out about this news story, there was a public outcry.  Some people thought this was an awful idea and that Mr. Lagares was bullying his own son.  Others supported Mr. Lagares unusual idea.  But Mr. Lagares still believed in what he did and stood out on the corner with this own sign that said, "I'm not sorry. Honk to stop bullying."

You may read the full article here:

What do you think about this unusual punishment?  Do you agree or disagree with this idea?  Do you think this idea will help stop bullying?

Your assignment:

Give your opinion and why you feel the way you do.  Write at least 5 or more sentences:


I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea.   Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because...


I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea.   Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because...

THEN: Explain the reasons that support your opinion.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have a solid argument. Use FACTS as much as possible to support your opinion.


For example: If my name is Rebecca Ekstrom and I have LEAD I2, I would put this for my name: RebeccaEI2


A video from the news can be seen here:

Photo above taken from:


Sam T. I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because people will see that if they get caught bullying there will be punishments. Also because the bully didn’t care about the other punishments his father gave him and you don’t just get away with bullying. The bully deserves to be punished for bullying a kid more than once. The bully should feel the pain he gave to his victim.

Trevor D I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because kids at any age should not be bullying. The only thing I would change would be on the sign it used the word hate Mr. Lagares’ could of used another word. But doing this shows that you should never bully at any age. This would help because now you know if you bully you get in trouble and next it might be worse. Also Mr. Lagares’ got a lot of support from doing this experiment.

Vito G I-1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a road and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because when he bullies he is creating public humiliation, when Mr. lagares’ son is standing on the freeway with his sign he is being publicly humiliated. When he thinks back to when he was on that free way holding that sign being publicly humiliated he will remember when he is about to bully someone that that’s how they feel.

Layla T. I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because people will know who the bullies are. When people know who the bullies are is would be easier to stop the bulling. Also because the humiliation would show the kids how it feels and would make them stop. So the next time they even think about it they would remember how it felt to stand there, holding that sign and having all those people see him. He would remember how embraced he might of felt and think that these people that I have bullied must feel terrible.

Hunter W. I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because I think it will raise awareness for bulling. Also I think it will Lagares kid feel the way that the kids he bullied feel. And I think it teach him not to bully anyone again. Another reason is that if he bullies again he knows he is going to have to hold the sing again.

Grace M. i1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because he is teaching his son how it feels to be publicly humiliated and he will stop. His son was bullying other kids and making them feel embarrassed. Standing on the street with that sign probably made his son feel embarrassed too. In other words, he is getting a taste of his own medicine. I don’t think using the word “hate” was a good idea because it might make the bullies mad so they hurt more people. I think he should’ve have written “honk if you are against bullying.” Other than that it was a good punishment. 

Michael A I1 said...

Think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it makes him feel the way the kids he bullied. Also because he knows that if he bullies again he will have to hold the sign again form a longer amount of time. I would add don’t trust me. I would all so add I am mean don’t hang out with people like me.

Sean M I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because doing a punishment this harsh will make a kid frustrated and depressed. If a student experiences these feelings he/she may want to lash out and bully more. Using this discipline technique is child humiliation which is a form of bullying. People say you need to fight fire with fire but in this case bullying a bully will NOT WORK.

Anna J I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagarers creative idea to punish his son bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying. He was being mean to other people so his dad had to punish him for what he did. When his dad was trying to punish him in other ways he didn’t stop bullying so he decided to make him son to hold the sign. He hopes that his son will stop bullying after having to be humiliated.

Gage S said...

I think Mr. Laagers' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it shows that you should think twice before you attempt to hurt or harm somebody. It will show then with they victims feel. So they don’t bully.

Sarah S - I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagare’s creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it teaches him a good lesson not to be a bully again. His father’s idea was a good idea because he telling people that his son is not doing a good thing. He was not doing the right thing so he father also had the right to punishes him. He also tell others who he is and what he does. That is why I thought it was a good idea for his father to punishes him.

Anna R. I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it teaches his son a lesson about being publicly humiliated-which is what his son was doing to other people in his grade. However, I don’t think he should have used the word “hate” because it might get the bullies even more mad. But I think it was a good way to discipline his son for bullying.

Parker O. I1 said...

I think that Mr. Lagare’s idea of making the kid have a sign saying “I am a bully, honk If you hate bullies” is a good idea because it will humiliate him and show him that what it feels like to be bullied. I also think that this will make him stop bullying if the whole city or town knows that he’s a bully. He would probably have no one hanging out with him in the future if he was to keep bullying people so he would hopefully stop bullying and start being nicer to kids. People would stop treating him nicely and start disliking him and start not trusting him. So if he was to continue bullying people he would be hated by everyone.

Nate G said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying be I think that is abusing his son and making his son feel bad. You can teach him a lesson without totally abusing him. It’s just not right because that is abusing your own son. I hope he will change his mind.

Hunter P. J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because more adults will be aware of bullying. Also his son might be embarrassed if someone that he knows drives by. Also when his father holds up a sign it might make his son feel bullied, so he will know how his victims feel. That is why I think that the creative punishment will help his son with his bullying problem.

Keira W. said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea because. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." it was the only way to stop his son from bullying other kids what could he do? Saying this is wrong is saying he should have just stopped trying and the kids his son was bullying would have suffered more than he did. His father took action that’s enough to say its ok. It was the only to get his son to stop and it worked didn’t it?

Mason L. J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because. I believe this because his son needs to know discipline and as well needs to know not t bully other kids. Another reason is that some kids really ca be hurt or may have been hurt by the way the things the boy said. Mr Lagares’s son must learn to treat people better from this experience. The final 2 reasons I believe this was a good is because the son can learn bullying will not be accepted in society and if so many other methods failed this must have been the only option left.

Natalie G. said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because he bullied his son. Also he himself held a sign saying he was not sorry for bullying his son. That shows that he might not have cared if someone was bullying. Also since he bullied his own son that gives more evidence.

Drew K. said...

No, I think Mr. Lagares’ I idea was a bad idea because he made his kid embarrass himself in front of traffic. I could see how it was a good idea in some ways, but it was bad over all. Then when Mr. Lagares himself stood out there with a sign that said, “I’m Not Sorry!!!! Honk if you Hate Bullying” Now, THAT was a good idea! I wonder how embarrassing that was for him! Mr. Lagares was bullying his own kid by making him do hard labor and grounding him. If his child wouldn’t stop, he should have just gotten him suspended or something instead of making him stand on a corner in front of traffic!!!!

Ethan B. J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because he will be embarrassed and never bully again. He won’t bully again because he will know the consequences and he won’t want to embarrass himself again. Mr. Lagares is changing the amount of bullying that will happen in that 4th grade classroom.

David M j1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think it will be more affective than just grounding or scolding. This is because he will see all the people who do not like bullies .Actually have it happening and not just by his own family but other family’s are telling him that he should not bully . Also his friends might see this and not be friends with him any more because he is a bully or their paerents may see this and not let their kids be friends with him.

Boden R. J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it made his son embarrassed about what he did in front of everybody. This is an effective method for punishing a bully because it teaches the bully how it feels to be embarrassed in front of people. This method of punishment also helps stop bullying because it teaches the bully never to bully someone again. Therefore I feel this was an effective method of punishment.

Lauren P J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if he tried a lot of other ideas and they did not work and this then I think it is a good idea. This is a fair to show that bullying is not a right thing to do show it shows how bullying is a serious issue. His son needed to see how bullying is not a good thing so being embarrassed is not as bad as getting bullied. Also, Mr. Largares held up a sign too and that helped see how people care that bullying is a really bad issue. Everyone should see that bullying is bad and no one should do it.

John D J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because it could make him want to bully more because now people know about him. Another reason is that he mint think it is cool to bully people. And some kids mint think it is funny seeing him make fun of other kids so he mint get more friends. He also mint get poplur in his school. He mint also mint get thinks want he wants but dos not need.

Sophia S. J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if he tried anything else and it didn’t work that was a good idea. I also think it was a good idea because it stopped him. I think it stopped him from bullying because most people honked and he noticed that it wasn’t cool to bully people. I also think holding the sign out on the street corner and people knowing he wanted to stop. The last reason I think it was a good idea because it embarrassed him enough to stop.

nika l j1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it teaches his son not to bullie and it’s a good punishment for bulling other kids. And it also teaches you that do it again then you get the embarrassment of holding the sign again. Alsop the kid who got bullied might of felt embarrassed being bullied so now Mr.lagares son is felling the kid’s embarrassment. So now the kid will never bullie again unless he what the punishment.

Jesse R J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think that was it was a bad idea because he is going to bully even more to people. After everybody knows about it he will kept being a bully after that. His son is probably not going to bully anymore. He’s is going to be a nice person when he grows up. Some people will make friends when he’s older.

Caryn Z. I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it teaches bullies what it feels like to be humiliated or made fun of. It shows them what it’s like to be forced to do cruel things. Yes, it was a little cruel, but so is bullying. If Mr. Lagares’ son didn’t listen with the other punishments, and that was the only thing that worked, it was appropriate.

Aidan W. I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if his child is embarrassing other kids, then his son should be embarrassed in front of the streets. Kids these days need to learn not to bully other kids just because of how they appear, religion, race etc. If kids are bullying I say they should get a harsh punishment for what they have done. What this father has done I think it’s the right thing to do.

Taylor C I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because more parents will take action. If parents see Mr. Lagares do this to his son other parents might do this to their child.

Aiden I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because that is just a sign. Also kids are not the ones driving the cars. They might be riding in the back but are mostly unlikely to pay any attention. Lastly, it will not help bullying because it is just a sign and to really stop bullying you have to take action.

Henry P. I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it shows society that bullying is frequent. Personally I think Mr. Lagares’ punishment was brilliant. Mr. Lagares punished his son by making him do hard labor but thaty didn’t work. So Mr. Lagares made him stand on the street and hold up a sign that said “I’m a bully. Honk if you hate bullies.” This worked. Now he no longer bullies other kids.

aidan L. I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because all the people are just honking and that is not going to help tell bullies to stop what they are doing. Bullies are not going to listen to what this kid is doing. Bullies don’t listen to every one telling bullies to stop bullying. Teachers are stressing to kids not to become bullies. Those kids probably don’t even pay attention in class to what teachers are saying. Only bullies in the cars might see the sign but that’s it.

michael l. said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because let’s go into the real world adults with no kids don’t care they have thins of their own to handle. Don’t get me wrong it is a dell but sadly not a lot of people really care. Maybe they think it is doing something good but it really is not sadly. It is a very good idea to do that but not on a highway where people need to get back and forth to work every day. Maybe on a road were kids how will try to do something live on.

Grace F. I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because first of all, if kids see that holding up a sign saying they’re a bully is the punishment, they might stop bullying others. That’s because many kids would find it embarrassing. Many people don’t realize how terrible bullying truly is, so they just keep hurting others, without knowing how it harms others. People like Mr. Lagares see how bad bullying is, and try to put a stop to it by punishing their own children in ways that I think would be a big help to stop bullying. Also, the victims of bullies might see the signs that the bullies are holding, and they might feel like someone cares and is looking out for them. Mr. Lagares’ method to stop his son’s bullying was successful, so hopefully other parents will punish their children that are bullies in similar ways, and bullying will soon come to an end.

Julia.H I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if a child does something wrong and is punished, then, they don’t stop doing wrong, the consequences need to increase. Bullying is a terrible thing that needs to stop and if humiliation is what stops it then that’s what has to be done. If other bullies see the sign and hear the people honking they might be embarrassed as well, and then stop. Lastly, Mr. Lagares was smart when coming up with this idea because his son stopped bullying, I feel that other people should do this. Doing this can maybe even save lives because so many kids take their own lives every year because of bullying. It’s a chance that should be taken.

Jared P I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because public humiliation won’t stop bulling then I don’t what will. I think that his idea is a good one because it stopped bulling that area. I also think this kind of thing should happen all over the world.

Samantha.C I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because after Mr. Lagares made his son stand out there, it taught his son a lesson. Also because if your child does something wrong, you have to teach him it’s wrong. Plus humiliation is a bad thing, but if it helps stop bullying, then why not. Lastly, it helps kids from becoming worse bullies, and it also helps the victims taking it too seriously, by committing suicide.

Lindsey V.A J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because other people will see it and think it is a good idea to do to their kids. The kids will probably not bully anymore because of that. Some people also hate the idea of doing that to their kid. On the other hand some people agree with it because they think it’s a good idea. It would probably be a last resort though.

kaylalynn P J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagare’s creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because other kids will think their parents will do that to them. Now other kids that bully other kids will think twice about it. Now the bully’s victim will not have to go through what he/she did.

Elizabeth O J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will help give parents new and creative ideas to get their children to stop bullying. Another reason I think this is a good idea is because Mr. Lagares’ son will never forget this lesson and think twice when he wants to bully someone. Also I think this is a good idea because it will help parents with difficult children at home and help them create better, safer, and longer lasting solutions to deal with their children.

jared w said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it can make the bully know what it is like to get bullied. They may be scared to get the punishment. They will think twice before bullying someone.

Davis S. J2 said...

I think Mr.Lagares’ punishment for his son who bullied, was good and bad at the same time. One reason I think it was good because it was the only way he could teach his son that bullying was wrong. I think it was a bad idea to make his son hold up the sign because he humiliated a child on a road where he could have been criticized by strangers. A reason I think it was good was because it taught him a lesson about bullying and how embarrassing it is. One last reason I think it was a bad punishment was because people from that region probably hate that kid after he was on the news

jamesF said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because bullies need to be stopped. If the people that bully are put out in public and get embarrassed they most likely won’t do it again. People wont do it again because the thought of being embarrassed is frightening for bullies

Ben R. J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because bullies will feel harassed just like their victims do. Also, the people driving might look into helping to stop bullying which could reduce bullying around the country. The bullies that may have to hold up signs in the future will not feel good about themselves just like their victims. The people driving could see the sign and look into bullying and maybe even talk in schools about bullying and what they saw that the bully was doing which was holding up that sign. Mr. Lagares’ creative idea just might change bullies, kids, and peoples perspectives on bullying across the world.

Makayla R J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because when people drive by they might think that Mr. Lagares is abusing his son. Also adults drive and not kids so mostly kids bully not adults. This is why I think this wasn’t a good idea to punches his kid like this.

AustinM J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because the opinions of the people driving by will the impact the mind of the young boy. Also I think the boy will be humiliated that everyone in the cars know that he’s a bully, and I think this will reduce bullying around this boy too. This punishment is totally fair to give to the child for his out of line behavior, now he can learn to not hurt other people even though he might have been put through some bad situations in his life. Also I think it was right for the father to go out with the boy, this was good because his dad isn’t giving himself the punishment he is also spreading the word for the people to realize it’s not good to pick yourself up by beating down on other people.

Madison Q J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because the amount of people that honk, which probably will be a lot, we teach Mr. Lagares’ son a lesson about bullying. I also think it’s a good idea because in the video I heard a lot of people honking in the background. For the people who are honking it will tell his son that people hate bullies and if he stays a bully people will hate him to. When Mr. Lagares’ son held up that sign it was also punishment for him, he was a bully and bully’s needed to be punished and will have consequences. Mr. is a bright father for Lagares’ telling his son that if he stays a bully then no one will like him.

Tim M J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if other kids bully parents will be inspired to do the same with their children. Parents will love this new idea. Mr. Lagares' has the right to do that. I am on Mr. Lagares' side. Parents will be inspired by Mr. Lagares'.

Joseph G J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will teach kids to stop bullying. His idea will stop bullies because they will not want that to happen again. Also the kid that had the punishment done to him will probably tell his friends not to bully. That is why I agree with Mr.Lagaes.

emily w j-2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because when his son is standing on the street corner, just like bullying is public humiliation, he is probably feeling humiliated just as his bullying victim did.

Colby L. J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it should tell kids that they should think twice before they bully. Kids that get bullied don’t want to go to school sometimes. This is my opinion about bully’s who bully other kids.

jaylyn said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because now the dad how the kid felt. I also thought that he learned his lesson to never bully.

Geovaany G J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because… mostly 48% OF kids bully in the U.S.A and if people saw this around the world up 74% of kids would stop bulling. Most of these kids will stop because they might think that it’s wrong and might just stop. Also Children around 7-10 start and quit around the age of 13- 16 because they know that they will fail school and part of their life, so they start focusing more on child was a bully and he was punished by letting him live on his own by letting himself buy his own food. The boy said that he will never bully ever again. So his dad though him a supine party.

angelina g j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because now he now how the other peorson that he bullyed now he now how they feel.i also thought it was a good idey because he got to learn his leason .i also thout it was a good idey because he also got a leason to NEVER bully agen because he news now it is inbarising

Gianna B J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because. It give a warning to the bullies all over the world, it tells them soon enough they will be beaten. In my opinion I think if that were me I would stop like right away. Bullies around the world enjoy to embarrass harm and make fun of the smaller ones, though this action reverse the embarrassment from victims to bullies. Now I hope this kid will stop, and the bullies will soon stop and think of what they are doing and realize that it won’t help it will just make it worse. I wonder what may of happened after this is the victim ok I hope and that kid better make a friend with the victim because a friend can protect you from a bully.

angelina g said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because now he now how it feels to be embarrassed. I bet he won't bully any more

Marcus L said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because... it can help the community and it can change the person who bully’s. It helps the person who is being bullied tell an adult. The bully could learn his lessen and stop being a bully. The kid who is being bullied will not have to worry about getting bulled any more.

Matthew P j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because I think his father was bullying his son harder than other people. So I think his father should be put on the street with a sine because his father was bullying his son. If you don’t stop bully the people you have to do something nice to the people that you bully. It will really help him not to bully.

Aiara m j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully honk if you hate bullies." This may help stop bullying. It can help the community and it can change the person who’s a bully. It helps the person who are being bullied tell adults.

Ashley m j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because now he knows how it feels to be embarrassed

Shaylee M J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will teach his son not to bully anymore. Now his son knows how the people he bullied felt. The father probably felt like a bully like his son. His son probably bullied because his father might have bullied him. He might have to keep making his son stand on the corner every time the son bullys.

Eric R J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because his son would feel humiliated, and almost bullied, and know what it feels like. I don’t think the word “hate” should be used though. Otherwise, I think that he making his son hold that sign was a reasonable punishment for the situation him and his son were in. Mr. Lagares made a good decision.