Thursday, February 26, 2015

Honk if You Hate Bullying

"Honk if You Hate Bullying"

When Jose Lagares found out his 4th grader was bullying other kids, he punished his son.  He grounded him and even made him do hard labor, but nothing seemed to work.  Then Mr. Lagares came up with a creative idea.  He made his son stand on a street corner with a large sign that said: "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies."  Mr. Lagares said "It was just the final straw, and it seemed to work."

When other people found out about this news story, there was a public outcry.  Some people thought this was an awful idea and that Mr. Lagares was bullying his own son.  Others supported Mr. Lagares unusual idea.  But Mr. Lagares still believed in what he did and stood out on the corner with this own sign that said, "I'm not sorry. Honk to stop bullying."

You may read the full article here:

What do you think about this unusual punishment?  Do you agree or disagree with this idea?  Do you think this idea will help stop bullying?

Your assignment:

Give your opinion and why you feel the way you do.  Write at least 5 or more sentences:


I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea.   Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because...


I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea.   Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because...

THEN: Explain the reasons that support your opinion.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have a solid argument. Use FACTS as much as possible to support your opinion.


For example: If my name is Rebecca Ekstrom and I have LEAD I2, I would put this for my name: RebeccaEI2


A video from the news can be seen here:

Photo above taken from:


Lydia M I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because imagine if this went on and nobody stopped him. Or imagine if his son was Griffon Conley, he wouldn’t stop. If this embarrassed his son so badly he would probably stop forever, or think twice. Or imagine if the bully was someone who bullied you, would you feel bad? Probably not but some people might, such as his friends. If this was one of my friends, yes I would feel bad but still, if you knew your friend was a bully would you hang out with them? I myself wouldn’t, and not even bother to hang out with them.

mikayla said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it teaches kids a lesson about not bullying. It is embarrassing to stand out on a road with a sign that says I’m a bully. I think the thought of having to do that if you bully someone may leave you thinking twice about it. Yelling at a bully won’t make a difference but this will.

Amber said...

I support Mr. Lagare’s idea to punish his son like this. Bullying is wrong and his creative idea to make his son do this was a great one. The sign saying “I’m a bully, honk if you hate bullies,” sends a good message. If someone disagrees they can read this comment saying why they are wrong. Before this Mr. Lagare tried to make his do hard work and ground him. Not enough of a punishment for a bully. Yelling, simply punishing, or expelling is not enough. Destroy bullying forever!

Mackenzie R. I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies” because when people see him people from school, they are going to make fun of him. Also people will always remember him in the neighborhood or around town. Do you really want your own child to be embarrassed in his/her own neighborhood or in school? I also believe this punishment Mr.Lagares’ came up with for his son will not stop or start to stop bullying because kids are going to think “My parents would never do that to me”. When Mr.Lagares’ first found out about his child bullying his original punishments were grounding him and making him to hard labor, I think he should have stuck with the grounding and talked with his teachers. I disagree with how Mr.Lagares’ punished his son when he found out his son was bullying.

Andre G. I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will show how to people that bullies should stop bullying especially if there is bullies that are in the car that drive by the kid holding up the sign. And plus Mr. Lagares’ had tried stuff. Like making him do hard labor and grounded. That’s why I think Mr. Lagares’ idea was a good idea.

Grayson B i1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." is a good idea because bullies should be punished for what they have done to other people. Bullies should know what it feels like to be bullied themselves in order for them to stop. Griffin Connelly in the book Bystander is a bully too but he eventually stopped. In conclusion, I feel that bullies should be punished for their actions.

Olin W. i1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if you’re a bully you should get punished for what you did. If you are a bully you should get bullied yourself to see what it’s like. Griffin is a bully and should have to hold up a sign that’s says I’m a bully. I agree with Mr. Lagares and what he did to his son

Annalise D J1 said...

I disagree with Mr.Lagares but I also agree with him. I agree with Mr.Lagares because you should punish kids for bullying, bullying is not the right thing to do. But I also disagree that he shouldn’t make his child stand outside holding a sign that says “I am a bully, honk if you hate bullies”. In my opinion I would just punish your child for bullying, but not to have your child stand outside saying that sign. That is why I disagree and agree with Mr.Lagares about the punish and standing outside with that sign.

kyrak i1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it made his son ashamed of what he did. It will make kids think twice about bullying he also made him do hard chores. I wouldn’t want to stand on a street corner in the cold as people I don’t know honk at me! Kids will probably make fun of him.

Anthony P I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because all bullies want to do is humiliate and embarrass people. I think Mr. Lagares’ is smart because the instead of the bully embarrassing there victim, the bully is being embarrassed. Mr. Lagares’ idea of making him do hard labor was smart, but unfortunately did not work. It was also smart that he made the sign pink, so it would stand out on the highway. Since people most likely honked, he was embarrassed, and felt bad for his actions. He also probably saw it on the news, so anyone could see it.

Lucas I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if all parents punished their kids like that then bullying would certainly come to an end. The people on the road would think more about it.

Colin H. said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it shows that people feel bad when they are embarrassed. It proves that everyone can be embarrassed even if they think they are immortal. The bullies think that if you can’t be embarrassed by anyone or anything. The pink sign stands out on the highway so everyone can see him. He saw that people were honking at him so it makes him feel bad. In conclusion, I think that Mr. Lagares was right about making his son stand on street corner where everyone can see him.

Thomas A. I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because. when Someone is bullied they are publicly humiliated in front of their school mates. So if you put your son on the street with a sign that said I am a bully honk if you hate bullies. You are showing your son the humiliation their victim is receiving. That is why I think Mr. Lagares’ idea is a creative idea that I would do to my son if they were a bully

owen d. i1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because the boy will get embarrassed of bulling other kids the parents might tell the kid about the bully. Another thing is that the dad put him on hard labor and that still did not stop him from bulling kids. From doing want he did he is tasting his own medicine by doing all that bad stuff and things. I would no like standing out there with the sign that said “I ‘am a bully” because that would embarrass me. Mr. lagres punishment will work because it will show him not to bully other kid.

Jeanine S. J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think his son should feel the public humiliation he caused those other kids. I strongly believe that he deserved the punishment. Maybe "hate" was a little too strong of a word. If the word was changed to dislike I would probably support it a little more. I just hope many cars honked.

Dylan S J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think it was a little embarrassing but he also deserved it. I would honk to sop bullies because there should not be any bullies should not be in school.

maddox r j1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because the bully had a “taste of his own medicine” I support Mr. Lagares way of handling his son, bullying other children. This child was bullying other children so Mr. Lagares did something. He made his child stand outside on the side walk and hold up that said I am a bully honk if you hate bullying. That is why I agree with this man’s way of punishment.

Katie V J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because the experience might make the bully rethink his choices. Maybe the bully will dislike the punishment that his father gave him and feel the same way that his target(s) did. Another reason that I think that Mr. Lagares’ creative idea was good because it might be unpleasant for the bully to stand out on the street and hold a sign, which might be heavy or otherwise uncomfortable. I hope that the bully stopped bullying.

Zachary R J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because bullying can hurt a kid for life and that memory may not ever go away. Bullying can embarrass people who are getting bullied. I think it was good he tried to embarrass his son so he could taste his own medicine. Being bullied is bad and this is one step of trying to stop his son from making a horrible mistake. The next time he tries to bully a kid he’ll probably think twice about his next target.

Sean R J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it shows what could be discipline on students if the bully. Also the sign shows that bullies should have tastes in their own medicine and if they bully than they should be treated embarrassed like there “victims.” As well bullies hurt people’s feelings so the bullies should be hurt as much as he hurts the others.

Logan F j1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think that the kid should have gotten at taste of his own medicine. This is so he will know what it feels like to be picked on and bullied when the cars honk as they pass by. If he realizes that he won’t want other kids to feel what he felt on that street corner. It will put him in the shoes of the kids that he bullies and that is a great way to teach him what his victims feel when he puts them down.

Delaney S j1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because other people do not agree with bullying. I think his son should get disciplined for bullying other kids. Other people think bullying is bad too so it is good that the sign says “Honk if you hate bullying.” Also it is good that he got a taste of his own medicine as a bully. I agree with how Mr. Largares’ stood with his child and I think they did make a difference.Hopefully bullying will stop now.

Keri P. said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will show how much people care about bullying and the stopping of it. I also think it is a good idea because now everyone knows that bullying is a bad idea to do in the first place. This creative idea I think also shows respect for the kids that were/are being bullied. This idea is also good because the kid that had to hold up the sign learned his lesson and hopefully won’t bully again! I think that Mr. Lagare did the right thing all around, to help everyone in bullying situations!

Evan M J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think all bullies should be punished for they do. Mr. Lagares did the right thing in my opinion because he showed his son what it is like to get bullied.

Madelynn M J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because... I bet a lot of people will honk and Mr. Largares son will feel guilty for what he has done. Bullies that are walking are driving by will see others honking and will also feel like they need to make an apogee. The others will also learn that there are consequences to bulling. Honk, Honk, Honk!

Alex H J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because I don’t think that anyone deserves that kind of embarrassment. I don’t think that just because people are bullies that they should be publically humiliated. Even though people bullies have done terrible things, they still are people. I believe that the most someone should be subjected to is at most a stern talking to. Anyone who knows how it feels how it is to be humiliated would not want that to happen to anyone.

bo s j1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it is embarrassing holding a sine out on a street

Donald U J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if future bullies see how he got humiliated, they will not want to be a bully. This will scare off bullies and give power to victims.

Emily C I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if people do honk then it will show how much people don’t like bullying and how much it affects our society today. If a lot of people honk then it will also teach him a lesson on how discouraged bullying really is and make him feel bad about it and probably not try doing it again.

Sierra B I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because he should have not be bulling other people. How would he like if someone bullied him. I am pretty sure he would learn his lesson. I think it would be embarrass. I think it he would have gotten a lot of honks

Vinny C I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because the bullies will know what it feels like. It is the right thing to do because the bullies repeatedly harass people. When his son realized that it’s not fun to be made fun of in public he then turned into a normal kid. This idea shows a big message to anti-bullies.

Ben O I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will teach bullies not to bully. Most bullies wouldn’t want this to happen to them so they would stop bullying. If they do stand out on the street with the sign, then people will know that he/she is a bully and not like them, and that will make the bully not happy so he/she will stop bullying to people will like him/her. This will also take up the bully’s time so that the bully has less time to bully other people.

matthew h i2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it tells the other person to not bully. The other person might think that maybe they will have to stand outside with the sign. Finely the kid should stand out there because he has to be punished somehow. If the other person does bully then they should be punished.

Manny C I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it made him stop and so he knows how people fell about bulling. I think it will make the kid stop bulling so it is a good idea. That means kids won’t go home crying to their parents. So there for I think this is an amazing idea.

MeghanRI2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because if his son is a bully then that’s their business. People driving by do not need to know that his son is a bully. Example if a little kid drives by, the fact that there’s a bully near, might scare/ worry him. It is his business and if it worried him then he should give his son a different punishment rather than getting the town involved. Possibly take away something for a month/week. If he wants his son to learn then he should not do this to his son because then he is bullying.

Cameron C. I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because he is standing by the road holding a sign so people driving their car could see that he was a bully and he is trying to not be a bully. I do think that Mr. Lagares’ should have use a better word then hate on the poster, he could of used “don’t like” or “don’t appreciate” because it is not a very mean word compared to hate. Also, he needed to punish his son but nothing was working so he said that the kids he was bullying were humiliated, so he humiliated him to teach him a lesson the next time he bullies someone. Mr. Lagares’ son will probably never bully anyone ever again.

Kendall D I-2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because it is just another form of bullying. I think this because he is making his son stand out on the corner and hold up a sign that says he is a bully. That is cruel. In a way, Mr. Lagares is bullying his child. Also, anybody that drives past and honks there car horn is showing they hate the boy because they are honking if they hate bullies and the young boy is a bully. He is making his son show anybody that drives past that he is bullying other children. The father should have chosen a different form of punishment instead of making his son kind of embarrassed and maybe even laughed at.

Irene L I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because it will keep happing. It won’t matter if people bully it just reflects on who they are and their appearance. I think it was and is wrong for his son to do that because his son is in 4th grade. His son is receiving public humiliation. That is horrible for his son to receive at his age. Mr. Lagares is wrong it will not help his son from bullying. His son is probably bullying because he has something on his mind that is bugging him. Other bullies aren’t going to think twice about this punishment because half or maybe even more parents will probably never give this kind of punishment to their kids.

Daniel M I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because... his son wouldn’t stop bulling kids. I agree when Mr. Lagares’ said “Bullying kids in public is public humiliation.” Bullying should not be tolerated. This should happen to bully’s across the world so they know how it feels like.

Sophie S I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it may influence bullies to stop because they see that Mr. Lagares’ son is receiving public humiliation. The other child bullies may stop bullying other children because they think their families may take in the idea of the consequence of public humiliation. Mr. Lagares’ was just showing his son how it felt to be bullied. Another way this sign will stop bullying is that Mr. Lagares’ son will realize that nobody likes bullying. When he stood there by the corner he must of heard a honk from almost every car that passed. This proved to him that bullying didn’t make him any more cool or better than everyone else, it made him less likeable. He realized bullying is not cool. The creative consequence he received will make him think twice before he bullies again.

MeghanWI2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will embarrass his son because the kids that go to school might be walking by and laugh at him and that will show him that’s that is what he does to the kids he bullies at school. Also it will make him realize what he was doing to those kids is bad. Having him stand out there like that probably will make him learn his lesson to not bully. Lastly, Mr. Lagares did the right thing because his son should now feel bad and embraced that he has to stand out there and hold up the sign on the streets.

Ben F I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because if somebody doesn’t do something big to stop their kid of bulling they will keep doing it. Also it is a good punishment for kids that bully. Plus Mr.Lagares was there to watch is son on the curve. I thought it was a good idea.

Akisnya M I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because bullies should feel how the victims felt when they were being bullied. When people are being bullied publicly, they are being humiliated. For that father to make his son feel the humiliation he put on other kids it will stop the boy from bullying. When children who bullied see the sign they will think their parents will do the same and the will soon stop. The father did an excellent idea stopping his son from bullying. Children need to know how hurtful bullying is to the victims. When being bullied people tend to not go to school or kill themselves because of the bully. The son could have put somebody in that circumstance. The father did a good job stopping the child. The son will soon learn that bullying doesn’t make you popular it only makes you less likeable and unpopular. The son will think twice about bullying again.

john m I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it shows how many people dislike bullying. When his son realizes how many people dislike bullying he might think twice about bullying. Every time his son bully’s he might think about the poster. Maybe will stop bullying. His son might tell other bully’s about it and they might stop before their parents get the idea.

savanna r i2 said...

Honk if you hate bulling

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because in the video he said that bulling is public humiliation. Bulling is not fun for anybody its mean and hert full it’s a discrase don’t be a part of this hard crushel race. Honestly I don’t think that anybody would bully. People are abused so get some help you don’t have to lie or cheat just be nice tand the world will owe you a gratitude.

Allie P. I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because other kid’s parents may want to do the same thing as Mr. Lagares and kids most likely don’t want to do that so they will probably stop bullying other kids at school and more. Also when other kids that bully see that happening they may stop bullying because of what Mr. Lagares made his son do. I think this is a good idea because it seemed to make Mr. Lagares son stop bullying and it will help parents everywhere have ideas to help their kids stop bullying. Also it helped Mr. Lagares son understand what it’s like to be bullied, because bullying is very embarrassing I think. Mr. Lagares son must’ve been embarrassed so I understand why Mr. Lagares did that to his son. I also think that it will make the victims of Mr. Lagares son feel better about what he has done to them.

Hannah H J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think that his son will actually think twice about bullying. After standing in front of the public letting everyone know that you’re a bully might change is mind. I don’t think it is cruel at all because it’s teaching him an important lesson. The lesson is that it’s not right and if he was the one being bullied he would not like it either. Mr. Lagares’ handled this situation very responsibly and I agree with his decisions.

Nick Y J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think this shows the child how many people in this world actually disagree with bullying. To the child’s eye seeing all the people honk makes him feel that bullying might not be what he thought. Seeing your dad say bullying isn’t ok isn’t the same as a bunch of strangers saying it. I feel that this would make a great punishment for a child troubled by the actions of becoming a bully.

Nicolas P J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because like he said other punishments weren’t helping to stop him. Some people think that the father was being harsh but I think he is a good father for stopping his child other parents wouldn’t do anything. Another reason I think this will help is because now that bullies see the real consequences maybe they will lay off so they don’t have to do that. In conclusion Mr. Lagares did a very good job of punishing his kid.

Alyssa M J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will embarrass the bully. This will have the bully stop and think about his options BEFORE bullying. If the victim sees the bully in an embarrassed state they will gain self-confidence in themselves. This also will help both the victim and the bully because the bully will know what the victim is feeling and the victim will get the satisfaction he/she deserves.

Allison L J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on the side of the road with a sign that read “I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." Will stop bullying. I am guessing that many people honked when they saw the sign. This may not stop every bully from bullying, but it will probably stop Mr. Lagaeres’ son from stopping. When his son sees how many people dislike bullies, he will stop. Making his son stand out and see the negative response against bullies was a good way to get him to stop.

nathan f j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because as the people honk at the kid(s) he will see how many people hate bulling. I people start doing this than many people will be honking at all the people and they will see how bad they are. That is what I think we should do to help stop bulling.

Hannah R j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because then everyone will see the sign and they will try to stop bulling. Also it will help stop bulling because bullies will think twice about doing it. Finally kids will see the consequences and that will make them not want to bully because they might be embarrassed.

Aidan W J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will teach other kids to stop bullying kids. I think it was a good idea because whoever the bully is embarrassed the student that was being bullied so the bully could get to feel the embarrassment too. Also that the bully needs a punishment too so it works out to be a good idea.

Sarah W J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because many people will recognize that bullying isn’t right. Also the fact that bullying is a bad idea would spread around to people and the idea would get out and people could stop bullying. I noticed also that he’s on a main road which means more people would see the sign and will spread it around to their town that bullying isn’t kind or a good idea to do. It’s also a lesson to learn about being a bully and treating kids the way that he did.

austin r j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because hiw doing that wont make other kids stop. Also some parents that disagree about the punishment wont do that to there child if they are bullying. Other kids might not care. Other kids will still do because they like to others will do for attention.

Kyle S J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it makes kids and adults think twice. Every time someone honks there horn it makes kids and adults feel guilty about what they did because there is a lot of people that don’t like bullies. Also letting people know you’re a bully is hard to do especially when the victim sees you. That is why I think it was a good for Mr. Lagares to punish his son for bullying like that several times and not getting the hint.

Luke f J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because... Bullying will teach other kids that it is ok. It is also bad because the victim is humiliated in public and that’s not cool. Bullying results in the target not coming to school and their grades dropping. Bullys like Mr.Lagaras’s son need to learn their lessons and stop bullying.

Jared L J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because now his son knows what it feels like to be humiliated in front of other people even though he is bullying his son. The next time his kid thinks about bullying he will remember this experience and stop himself. This can inspire other people to come up with creative ways to stop bullying. People who see this will stand up for the kids who are getting bullied and might try to encourage the kids who are bullying to stop.

Seneca N said...

I think that Mr.Lagares’ idea for his son was creative. It taught his son not to bully because the consequences will get worse. Although Mr.Lagares’ son was taught a lesson I still think it was quite harsh and humiliating. I think he could have found a way to punish his son without him standing on the side of the road with a sign. Maybe his son could have apologized to the whole class. Even though he was out on the street with the sign, the victims may have never gotten an apology. But at least he learned his lesson.

James M J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." This will not help stop bullying because his son looks like he does not care in the picture. Also it might make his son mad and he will still bully but now hit people, and Mr. Lagares’ is just humiliating his son and it’s not teaching him a lesson. Also sometimes when you humiliate someone it does not work a lot of the time.

Rachel p j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because humiliating children unfortunately works very, well leaving a lasting imprint on the adolescent. And such humiliation if it makes it on media then will be seen by possibly the whole state, or country. If said victim saw the bully the victim would find a new sense of confidence. By humiliating his son I believe he is teaching a lesson.

Taylor J J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because maybe when other bullies look at the sign they will maybe think that their parents will do something like what this boy’s father is doing. The boy will realize that bullying is bad and he will think twice before bullying again. It will also show him that his father is not afraid to punish him by embarrassing him in front of people that he knows or people are strangers. I think it’s good that he did that so now people know that he is a bully so maybe people will not go near him or talk to him because they know hell bully them too.

Madalyn S J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because when you bully you hurt other people and they feel embarrassed. So when Mr. Lagares’ son held the sign he probley felt embarrassed and knew how other people felt so he could stop doing it. When Mr.Lagares’ son knew that everyone that seen his sign knows he’s a bully he will think twice about his actions. One last reason that this is a good idea is that different parents punish their kids in different ways and this is how Mr. Lagares’ punishes his son. This is why I agree with Mr. Lagares’ punishment for his son.

Rebecca M J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it gets a point out to people about the consequences of bullying. Bullying isn’t a good idea and if you bully someone than you will get punished for your bad idea. Mr. Lagares’ son feels ashamed of what he has done and probably will not bully again because now he feels what other kids feel when they get bullied. I think Mr.Lagares’ idea was a good idea because it made people notice how bad bullying really is and the consequences of doing it.

Abby G said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it embarrasses him (most likely). If I had to do that I would be embarrassed that people are honking at me because I’m a bully. Well, first things first, I don’t like people honking at me in an angry way. Also, now he is judged whenever he is seen, because everyone now knows he’s a bully. That is why I think that punishment is a good idea, if nothing else worked.

Doug W said...

I think honk if you hate bullying is about. His father was the one who was bulling his own son. But his son was a fourth grade bully. my opinion on the blog is that his father was bullying his son so that mad his son a the end of the blog his father makes him stand out on the sidewalk and hold up a sign that says I am a bully honk if you hate bullies.

Matt D. J1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because that’s just two “wrongs” which will not produce a “right.” If I were just a passer-by, I would lean on my horn the whole way through, but knowing that it’s a father making his son hold the sign, that’s more like the father bullying and humiliating his son, which will teach Mr. Lagares’ son that it is OK to teach people right from wrong by doing something wrong. Plus, using the word "hate” on the sign will not teach his son a lesson either.

Parker B. J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because even though he made his son stand out on the street which will embarrass him, he deserves it. He deserves it because he was mean and embarrassed other kids, just like he is currently getting punished. His son probably never bullied anyone again. Therefore, his son was a bully and his dad was giving his son a piece of his own medicine. Also, this wasn’t Jose’s dad’s first punishment it was the last one.

Mckenzie S J2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because I think that if every bully did this it would embarrass them because I know it would embarrass me just standing on the corner of the road holding a sign. If every honk showed that someone didn’t like bullying it would show the kid how many people don’t like bullying. I think it’s a good idea because his son will get punishment for the bad thing he did and he knows not to bully anyone again.

Emily C I2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it teaches the kids a lesson. I agree because the boy did very much wrong for bullying and since he really hurt those kids his father with this creative idea thought he should feel the same exact pain. It wasn’t fair to those kids that got bullied by that boy so I agree the father gave a fair punishment. In fact I don’t think it is fair enough because bullying is only bullying if it is repetitive and the father I don’t think made him stand out there that long. That boy did very much wrong and if I were the father I would have done the same exact thing. That is why I think Mr. Lagares’ idea was completely all fair.

Samaria G. I2 said...

I think Mr. Lageres' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a bad idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will not help stop bullying because I find it as another form of bullying. I think this way because I find it cruel to make your 9-10 year old son stand on the street and hold up a sign that involves his personal life. In a way, this is the father's own bullying. He's letting people see into his son's personal life so he would get embarrassed or laughed at, making this an even bigger deal than the original problem. This punishment hadn't been worth it, a simple suspension from school or a taking away of electronics/videos games or an up-front apology would have been a better idea.

Adam B. J1 said...

I think the bully’s dad is doing the right thing. I think this because the bully needs to learn not to bully and to respect his peers instead. When the bully holds up a sign to the cars to honk if they think bullying is bad, I think this is a good idea because his dad is humiliating him in front of other people therefor he will never bully someone again. Also, the bully’s dad is doing the right thing because instead of giving him a small consequence he is giving him a well-earned punishment. Hopefully the bully will never bully anyone again.

Jeremy S j2 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it tells us that if our parents find out that we bullied someone that we would have to go through the same exact that happened. You would never have any privileges anymore. Nobody will ever trust you again. Everybody who knows that you are a bully will now steer clear from you even your friends.

Lucy C I1 said...

I think Mr. Lagares' creative idea to punish his son for bullying other kids is a good idea. Making his son stand on a street corner and hold up a sign that says, "I'm a bully. Honk if you hate bullies." will help stop bullying because it will raise awareness about bullies and the harm that they can cause, especially because it is in the newspaper. Although I feel pretty bad for the boy, these actions of his father’s will help him and other kids who bully or once bullied know how others feel about their actions. The boy apparently had not responded to any other type of punishment, and bullying is a serious thing which should be punished. Something needed to be done which would take hold. I think that although the boy must feel really bad about this punishment, it has helped to raise awareness about bullying and most likely stop bullying at this kid’s school.